Yeap that's the logo for my primary school. Wearing the yellow and blue of faifield, i still remember singing the school song every evening for the 7th to 12th years of my life. I remember the principal told us "once a fairsian, always a fairsian". Oh well.
I wrote an email asking the school to grant me an interview with the school teachers. For more leverage i included in the fact that i was an ex-student and how their help would benefit our pw project. Oh well that was 5 days ago and still no word.
Alot of times i wish i was back in primary school. It was a time when i really should have held on to. A time when nothing mattered. Now, everything i do has to be accouunted for and that really takes the zest out of my already flat boring life.
What happened? i don't know. Spiderman said" with great power comes great responsibility" I feel the responsibility but i for SURE don't feel the power.
Sian. I sound whiny again.
You know in comics and dramas there is always this proverbial good guy? He is the one that patiently waits for his love to leave the flashy playboy and return to his lovng arms. He is the one with no home, a drunkard for a father and a whore for a mother yet still provides for them with no aim of reward. He can give up everything for his country. He is rugged, tanned and muscular, with macho hair and might know certain kungfu skills. Of course the producers of the show will ensure he dies in the middle of the show but surely i digress.
The point is, if such a hypothetical person would to emerge in my life, i would hate him. See people like him make snobs like me look bad.
im not a nice person. And when things don't go my way, i turn ugly. I whine, i scream and its not a pleasant sight. i bitch about so many things in my life whether its my fault or not.
On a more pleasant note, i have attepmted to complete the arene's tutorial.
Oh ya, Happy birthday XINWEI!